1974年 10月8日 熊本県熊本市生まれ
現在 千葉県浦安市在住
1974年 熊本県熊本市生まれ
1993年 熊本県立第二高校 美術科卒業
1997年 愛知県立芸術大学 美術学部油画専攻卒業
1999年 愛知県立芸術大学大学院 美術研究科油画専攻修了
【個展・グループ展など】 ●・・・個展、○・・・グループ展
1998年 ●個展 (熊本市 壱之倉庫)
1998年 ○FIVE21 (東京芸術劇場)
1999年 ○Contemporary Young Painters Exhibition from JAPAN
(Gallery21, Badgladesh)
2000年 ●個展 (ギャラリーゴトウ)
2002年 ●個展 (ギャラリーゴトウ)
2003年 ○FIELD OF NOW 2003 (洋協アートホール)
2003年 ○5th Contemporary young painters exhibition from JAPAN
2003年 ○リリカル・スモールワークス (ギャラリーゴトウ)
2005年 ○ガイア’05 スタンス (熊本県立美術館)
2009年 ●個展 わたしのあしあと (ギャラリー新居)3/25~4/10
2009年 ○七月の色 (ギャラリー新居)7/6~7/24
2010年 ●個展 わたしのあしあと (ギャラリー新居)12/6~12/18
2012年 ○移転記念展 (ギャラリー新居)1/23~2/24
2012年 ●個展 わたしのあしあと (ギャラリー新居東京)11/30~12/15
2014年 ●個展 わたしのあしあと (ギャラリー新居東京)7/5~7/19
2015年 ○exhibitionA (新生堂)会期A:2/25~3/14(こちらに参加します)
2018年 ●個展 わたしのあしあと (ギャラリー新居東京)3/19~3/31
1991年 熊本県銀光展 (大賞)
1994年 熊本県美術展 (入選)
1997年 熊谷守一大賞展 (入選)
伊豆美術祭展 (入選)
1998年 熊谷守一大賞展 (佳作)
1999年 福井サムホール展 (奨励賞)
2001年 昭和シェル石油展 (入選)
福井サムホール展 (入選)
熊谷守一大賞展 (賞候補)
Personal History
1974 Born in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan
1993 Graduated Kumamoto Daini High School Art Dept.
1997 Graduated Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Art, Oil paint Major
1999 Master’s Degree of the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Art Research, Oil paint Major
1998 Solo exhibition (Ichinosouko Restaurant, Kumamoto city)
1998 Group exhibition FIVE21 (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space)
1999 Contemporary Young Painters Exhibition from Japan
(Gallery21, Bangladesh)
2000 Solo exhibition (Gallery Goto)
2002 Solo exhibition (Gallery Goto)
2003 Group exhibition FIELD OF NOW 2003 (Yokyo Art Hall)
2003 Group exhibition 5th Contemporary young painters exhibition from JAPAN
2003 Group exhibition Lyrical Small Works (Gallery Goto)
2005 Feb. GAIA’05 Group Exhibition Stance-you and I as we are-
(Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art)
2009 Solo exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
2009 Group exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
2010 Solo exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
2012 Group exhibition (Gallery Nii )
2012 Solo exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
2014 Solo exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
2015 Group exhibition (SHINSEIDO)
2018 Solo exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
Awards etc.
1991 Grand Prize at Kumamoto Ginko Exhibition
1994 Accepted for the Kumamoto Prefectural Art Exhibition
1997 Accepted for the Kumagai Morikazu Grand Exhibition
Accepted for the Izu Arts Festival
Honorable mention in Kumagai Morikazu Grand Exhibition
1999 Encouragement Prize at Fukui Thumbhole Art Exhibition
2001 Accepted for the Showa Shell Sekiyu Exhibition
Accepted for the Fukui Thumbhole Art Exhibition
2003 Nominated for the Kumagai Morikazu Grand Exhibition
1998 Solo exhibition (Ichinosouko Restaurant, Kumamoto city)
1998 Group exhibition FIVE21 (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space)
1999 Contemporary Young Painters Exhibition from Japan
(Gallery21, Bangladesh)
2000 Solo exhibition (Gallery Goto)
2002 Solo exhibition (Gallery Goto)
2003 Group exhibition FIELD OF NOW 2003 (Yokyo Art Hall)
2003 Group exhibition 5th Contemporary young painters exhibition from JAPAN
2003 Group exhibition Lyrical Small Works (Gallery Goto)
2005 Feb. GAIA’05 Group Exhibition Stance-you and I as we are-
(Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art)
2009 Solo exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
2009 Group exhibition (Gallery Nii Tokyo)
Awards etc.
1991 Grand Prize at Kumamoto Ginko Exhibition
1994 Accepted for the Kumamoto Prefectural Art Exhibition
1997 Accepted for the Kumagai Morikazu Grand Exhibition
Accepted for the Izu Arts Festival
Honorable mention in Kumagai Morikazu Grand Exhibition
1999 Encouragement Prize at Fukui Thumbhole Art Exhibition
2001 Accepted for the Showa Shell Sekiyu Exhibition
Accepted for the Fukui Thumbhole Art Exhibition
2003 Nominated for the Kumagai Morikazu Grand Exhibition
Copyright (c)2009,Hatsune Uchida.All right reserved.